A Fix to No ‘Poo

If you’ve read any of my blogs, you have probably heard me talk about my no ‘poo experiment, which is basically stepping away from all the chemicals in modern shampoos and finding healthy substitutes. (You can find my blogs about it here.) I was using baking soda and water with a few drops of tea tree oil to “wash” my hair, followed by an apple cider vinegar (ACV) and water solution to “condition” my hair. Well, after about a month or so of this, I found that my hair just became too greasy. I couldn’t find the appropriate combination of water to baking soda and my water is super hard, making it even rougher on my hair. I just couldn’t handle it feeling so dirty, so I found an alternative. If you don’t follow Crunchy Betty, you NEED to. And I’m serious. Go over to her page now and follow her on Facebook or pinterest or whatever method you have to in order to find some really kreative koncoctions. Her blog is where I first heard of no ‘poo and where I also found a solution to my overly oily no ‘poo nightmare.

So, needless to say, my hair was oily. I mean, couldn’t run my fingers through it oily. And when I did try to run my fingers through it, my hands felt filmy, as if I was wiping away some of the oil that had accumulated. I had gotten in the routine of no ‘pooing probably every 3 days or so, whenever my scalp started to feel itchy or dirty. I wore it mostly in a pony tail, except for the few days when my hair didn’t look disgusting. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was looking through old photos and saw how long, shiny and pretty my hair was and felt envious. Why was I putting myself through this for the sake of being natural and not really reaping any benefit from it? Well, I still want to be somewhat natural and use organic and healthy things on my skin and hair but I also am somewhat girly and want to look nice. So, something had to give.

That’s when I stumbled upon “sorta ‘poo” as Crunchy Betty calls it, which is a mixture of coconut milk and castile soap (I use Dr. Bronner’s lavender because I love the smell, but there are a few different makers of castile soap out there). There is the recommendation to make your own coconut milk from pressed coconut and water (you can find the recipe here) but I just used organic coconut milk from Whole Foods and it worked wonderfully. And by wonderfully, I mean, OH MY GOODNESS!! There was so much lather, I didn’t know what to do with  myself. Having gone a month with no suds whatsoever, I felt I was in heaven.

So here’s what I did: I mixed 1 teaspoon organic coconut milk per 1 Tablespoon of castile soap. Some say you shouldn’t mix too much up at a time because it will go bad, but I’m going to keep mine in the refrigerator and hope I can get a week or so out of it. I probably mixed about 10 tsp/tbsp of each because I won’t be the only one in my house to use it. Then, you just sorta swish it around so the two mix together (not too much or it will get super sudsy) and then lather up. I probably used a little too much on my hair this morning just because it felt so gross from the bs/acv mess but you probably only need about a quarter-sized up to a tablespoon.

After I washed, I rinsed with my same koncoction of vinegar: 1 Tablespoon of ACV to 1 Cup of water. I let the ACV sit on my hair while I wash and hang out in the shower and right before I get out, I rinse it off. I promise, you don’t end up wreaking of ACV−the scent dissipates as your hair dries, but if you must, you can add some essential oils to make it smell all girly. I’m trying to be as simple as possible, so for now, I’m just going to use the basic rinse.

I can’t tell you how glad I am that I found this solution to going natural. Castile soap is amazing. I’ve been using it for a while now as a body wash, but when it’s mixed with the coconut milk, it creates a creamy lather that you will die for! It’s supposedly great for shaving too. I have only done this today, so it will obviously take some time to see if it works on my hair long-term but I really hope the results are better than the no ‘poo. I’d been reading about the no ‘poo method and maybe I gave up too soon because some folks say it can take 8 weeks before your hair finally evens out and stops being so oily but I wanted my soft mane back again and so far so good. I can actually run my fingers through my hair. Today, I left the house with my hair slightly damp and it dried naturally on my way to work. It still looks great! I still have this natural wave that appeared when I gave up regular shampoo awhile back, which I really like. My hair used to be so straight, like I flat-ironed it straight, so it’s nice to have some volume and body now. I’m convinced that somehow I’ll find the perfect homemade substitution for shampoo. I hope this is it. I’ll keep you posted!!

About Kreative Koncoctions

I should fill this out soon! :)

Posted on May 15, 2012, in Haircare and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Please do keep us posted. I have failed no poo three times and just come to the conclusion that my hair is way too super-fine and even the slightest speck of oil makes me look like I dunked my head in a tub of butter 🙂 I am using soap nuts liquid for now, and really like it. But I must confess, I miss the lather! It would be great to actually “shampoo” my hair just once in a while so it feels really clean. I didn’t realize I was such a bubble addict….

    • How often do you wash with your soap nuts liquid? I’m trying to figure out how often I should be washing with this new koncoction. It seems that being cursed with thin, fine hair means I can’t go longer than a DAY without washing, no matter how natural I go. Do you wash everyday?

      I realized that at the end of the day after my first castile/coconut milk shampoo, my hair was oily. But it was wierd. It was not oily on my scalp, it was oily at the ENDS! Cray-cray! Usually my ends are dry and my scalp gets oily. Idk what’s going on. I washed my hair less than 24 hours later. Will write another post in a few days. Just wanted to see how often a fellow fine-haired, natural koncoctions lover washes…

      • I shampoo every day with soap nuts, but it’s really more because the rest of me is dirty and sweaty from working out etc..I think I could probably just rinse my hair with plain water for 2-3 days in between and it would be fine. I’ll have to try it and let you know.
        Soap nuts leave a lot of the natural oil in your hair, so my hair feels different then it did with regular shampoo, but it looks the same. I don’t know if that makes sense at all, but when i run my fingers through my hair I can feel the extra oil, but if looking in the mirror my hair doesn’t look stringy or greasy or weird at all. I have much more body and instead of stick-straight I have a bit of a wave which I am loving. It’s also incredibely easy to style and stays put all day, usually my hair just hangs there looking limp and has no texture to it. I love being able to braid it or whatever and not have it just slide right out in an hour.

        Really looking forward to your update!

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